I was born into a family that made it a point to teach me about the Bible and the things of God on a regular basis. I placed my trust in the finished work of Jesus Christ as the payment for my sins when I finally understood my need for Him. I did not find out about the world-wide need for tribal missions until the middle of my Bible Institute years at Word of Life Bible College in Schroon Lake, NY. It was when a New Tribes representative named Dun Gordy came and taught a one-week course on “Evangelism in Unreached Areas” that I realized what I needed to direct my life towards.
I made the decision based upon the fifteenth chapter of Romans that I too would make it my ambition “to preach the good news where the name of Christ has never been heard, rather than where a church has already been started by someone else”. My life from that point on has been directed towards fulfilling the Great Commision given to all believer’s in Mark 16:15.
Scott is also the accomplished author of Prophecies Pale Skin. The true story of a young couple barely out of their teens who stumbled across a fierce, murderous, stone-age people group in the remote jungles of Indonesia only to find that they were the fulfillment to prophetic dreams given to the tribe long before their arrival.