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all things DAO Ministries

The ‘Broody’ Spirit Of God

“Now the earth was formless and empty, and darkness covered the deep waters. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the surface of the waters” Genesis 1:2  How do you picture the scene that God has painted for us in this...
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“The Redfruit Of God”

“A MAN WITH GOD IS ALWAYS IN THE MAJORITY.” – John  Knox  (The Scottish Reformer) Above shows our friend Payomenaa getting ready to eat a piece of the “redfruit” or “pai” in their language.  “He is ready to separate the chaff from...
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“His Glory through Our Affliction”

“Affliction is often the thing which prepares an ordinary person for an extraordinary destiny” – C.S. Lewis   “When it first happened, it was too painful  to even talk about for quite some time…”  She was four months along in the pregnancy...
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